Children Fellowship

The mission of our fellowship:
For the children:
Follow God’s Instruction, Victory for Ever
For teacher:
We serve with our 5 senses, in team of 2.
The “why” of serving in the fellowship:

Judy Guan
"The reason why I want to serve in children fellowship is I want to make a difference. I accepted Jesus Christ when I was 16 years old. My life has changed. I am happier than before. Not only I experience God's love and blessings daily, but I have eternity. I want to share God's love with children and help them to develop personal relationship with God at young age. Later on, they will become great gospel leaders among their peers, in their community, and around the world."

Sharon Mui / Chwen Lim
“Let the children come to me (Jesus)” whenever I read about this verse, I was deeply reminded about how the love of God and the gate of heaven should be open for the children. They are the future leader and pillar of the society, how they are being nurtured and gloomed will affect what they will pass on to the coming generations. May God empower us with His words and love and truth, so that we can grow with the children in our fellowship. I am glad to team up with precious sisters who are willing to bring the little children to glorify God."

Amy Yeung
"The reason why I want to serve in children fellowship because I want to share Jesus's love to the adorable children. I hope they can rely on our Lord and pray to him when they need his helps. Our Lord always loves children to come to him and I want our children to feel the love of our Lord when they are still little children. Our Lord is always our support."

Shirley Wu
"As Jesus mentioned that the kingdom of God belongs to the children and those who live like them, working with children reminds me of their qualities. Also, I want to offer God my five loaves and two fish as a response to His love and grace."

Jason Yu