About Us

We are a group of Christians who have a passion and love for God and life. The Bible is the words of God which lead us for the abundant and eternal life! Our church started in 1989 with some immigrants from Hong Kong. We are a small church but our brothers and sisters in Christ love one another as like a family! Visitors are welcome! We would like to pray for your needs, answer your questions about God and share God’s wonderful plan in your life! Our regular activities including Sunday service, holiday retreats, Bible studies, love feasts, home visits, hiking, sports games, outings and different kind of seminars.

We have fellowships on family group, young professional group, student and English Fellowship. Visit us to explore your journey of knowing God! Feel free to drop us a note or call us! God bless you!

We have affiliated churches in Oakland, Sacramento, Seattle, LA, San Diego and over 60 different cities and more than 20 different countries, including US, Canada Central and South America, Africa, UK, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Nepal, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Japan, Taiwan, Macau, Hong Kong. We also support Light and Love Home for charity works for orphans, elders and community services.

我們是一群對神和生命充滿熱愛的基督徒。聖經是神的話語,引導我們進入豐富和永恆的生命!我們的教會於1989年開始,被一些來自香港的移民建立。我們是一個小教會, 但我們在基督裡的兄弟姐妹就像家人一樣彼此相愛!我們歡迎探訪者!我們願意為您的需求禱告,回答您關於神的問題,並分享神在您生活中的精彩計劃!我們的定期活動包括禮拜日信息,假日靜修,聖經學習,愛筵,家訪,遠足,體育比賽,郊遊和各種研討會。


我們在屋倫,沙加緬度,西雅圖,洛杉磯,聖地亞哥以及60多個不同的城市和20多個不同的國家設有聚會處,包括美國,加拿大中南美洲,非洲,英國,法國,荷蘭,比利時 ,澳大利亞,新西蘭,斐濟,尼泊爾,新加坡,馬來西亞,印度尼西亞,菲律賓,日本,台灣,澳門,香港。我們還支持光愛中心,為孤兒,長者和社區提供服務和慈善工作。