神的預備 -

       大家好!我是梁欣曈,大家通常叫我Yanmi或者曈曈。 我是在一個基督教家庭中長大。有人覺得我信主是理所當然的一件事,因為我父母都是基督徒,但是事實上並不是這樣。我決定信主是因為我真正經歷到神在我人生當中一路以來的幫助。
       我出生於一個中產家庭,從小就學習鋼琴、中樂柳琴、芭蕾舞及畫畫,所以我算是琴棋書畫樣樣精,所謂「贏在起跑線」。我一直覺得我的成功建基於我的努力和能力,直到小學選擇中學的時候,出人意表的事情就出現了。開始我的成績都算是名列前茅,但後來我太自大了,荒廢了學業,所以成績一落千丈。 從那時開始我就為我的前途感到擔憂,我明白到靠自己是很沒有保障,因為人的能力有限,人生有高高低低的時候,好像過山車,很多事情我們都掌控不了。我開始學會將我的人生交託給神才是最穩妥的選擇。我真心祈禱將選擇中學的事情交託在神的手中。 通過禱告我心裡面得到從神而來的平安,我相信祂會將一間最好的中學給我。 最後祂真將一間我心儀的中學給我。雖然我身邊的朋友成績都比我好, 但是派位結果都未如理想。 我知道我的派位結果不是我可以掌握到的,而是神的預備和幫助。
       自此,我學會去倚靠神,祂是我隨時的幫助,祂會將一份出人意外的平安及最好的都給過我們,正如《聖經》羅 馬 書 8:28 所説 :『 我 們 曉 得 萬 事 都 互 相 效 力 ,叫 愛神 的 人 得 益 處 , 就 是 按 祂 旨 意 被 召 的 人。』


2016 年 12月 版權所有 All Rights Reserved

#Testimony #見證 #TheChurchOfGodInSanFrancisco #三藩市神的教會 #TCOGSF

The Lord Has Prepared -
Yanmi Leung

Hi everyone! I am Yan Tung Leung. People usually call me Yanmi or Tung Tung. I grew up in a Christian family. You might think that it is natural that I believe in the Lord Jesus because my parents are Christians. In fact, I believe in Jesus because I have truly experienced God’s help in my life. 

I was born in a middle class family. I had learned how to play piano and liuqin (a Chinese instrument), and I had also learned ballet and drawing since I was a little kid, so I was very talented overall, and I thought I won at the starting point*. I had always believed that my success was based on my hard work and abilities until the time I needed to apply middle school. In the first few years of elementary school, my grades were good. Therefore, I became overconfident and lazy. Later on, my grades dropped a lot. Then I started to worry about my future. At that time, I realized that humans were limited; we would have good times and bad times in our lives like the high and low moments during roller coaster rides; our lives were not fully under our controls. I recognized that the most secure way was to rely on God, so I prayed to God sincerely about my challenge, and I had gained peace from Him in my heart after prayers. I believed that He would prepare the best for me. Eventually, He listened to my prayers so that I got accepted by my dream middle school. At the same time, although my friends had better grades than I did, they did not get into their dream schools. Thus, I knew that the result I got was due to God’s help and preparation.

Since then, I have learned how to rely on God who can help me anytime anywhere, and I know He will give us unexpected peace and prepare the best for us as in the Bible, Romans 8:28: “And we know that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose.”

If you want to know more about Jesus Christ, please feel free to reach out to us:

Made by The Church of God in San Francisco
December 2016 All Rights Reserved

#Testimony #見證 #TheChurchOfGodInSanFrancisco #三藩市神的教會 #TCOGSF