學會笑對人生,喜樂面對明天 - 吳淑如


      感謝主耶穌! 在我讀高中的時候,讓我認識了祂。我知道主耶穌很愛我,為我的罪釘在十字架上。主耶穌的愛很真實,我被祂的愛感動,慢慢地我的性格也被主改變了。我不再內向和自卑,性格變得開朗,臉上充滿歡笑,勇敢與別人相處,願意與人分享自己的喜與悲。

      信主超過25年的人生,經歷過人生種種不同的階段,人生的高低起跌:讀書時考試的壓力、結婚生兒育女的階段、供樓的擔子、負資產的無助、工作的壓力曾有過自殺的念頭、2003年香港沙士時細女面對死亡邊緣的傷痛、自己經歷3年內做了4次手術的恐懼和痛苦、2013面對新移民的艱難等等。這一切的經歷使我不再只有哭,而是學會了笑,每天倚靠主、祈禱交託給神,喜樂面對一切事情。感謝主! 使我經歷了很多主的恩典,從神而來的平安和喜樂。在聖經中的詩篇23篇「耶和華是我的牧者,我必不至缺乏。我雖然行過死蔭的幽谷,也不怕遭害,因為袮與我同在;袮的杖,袮的竿,都安慰我。我一生一世必有恩惠慈愛隨着我,我且要住在耶和華的殿中,直到永遠。」這些聖經經節都成為了我的鼓勵和安慰。



2016 年 12月 版權所有 All Rights Reserved

#Testimony #見證 #TheChurchOfGodInSanFrancisco #三藩市神的教會 #TCOGSF

I Learned To Be Joyful To Face Tomorrow - Windy Ng

I grew up in a poor family; nine of us lived in a small unit. My parents were busy at work; my brothers and sisters always argued; our household was inharmonious. Because of lack of love and care from my family, my personality was introverted, low in self-confidence, and shy. Therefore, I didn’t like to make friends with others. I would not dare to disclose my family background even to my closest friends because I was afraid that they would look down at me. Moreover, I had low self-value and no goal in my life. I didn’t know what was the value and meaning of life. I kept all my unhappiness in my heart. I didn’t know what was joy and happiness. There was no smile on my face.

Thanks to the Lord Jesus that I met Him during high school. I knew the Lord Jesus loved me, and He died on the cross for my sins. The love of the Lord Jesus is so real, and I am touched by His love. My personality has been slowly changed. I am no longer introverted and low in self-confidence; I become more cheerful and have smiles on my face, and I am willing to make friends and to share my joy and sadness with them.

I have believed in the Lord Jesus for more than 25 years. I have gone through many stages of my life which has the ups and downs, for examples, stress from school and exams, marriage and childbearing, mortgage, helplessness of negative equity, stress from work that had given me suicidal thought, the sadness and pain from my younger daughter was at the edge of death during 2003 SARS incident in Hong Kong, the fear and suffering from experiencing four surgeries in three years, difficulties of immigration in 2013, and etc. All these experiences no longer make me cry. The reason is I have learned to be joyful by relying on the Lord daily, praying to Him, and having a happy heart to face everything. Thank you Lord for having experienced lots of Your grace and the peace and joy from God. In the bible, Psalm 23 says, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” These scriptures have become my encouragement and comfort.

Today I can smile and be joyful to face tomorrow because I have the blessings from the Lord in my life, and He can give me strength to face everything and walks with me through this life journey. May the Lord, who loves you, come into your life and bless you, too.

If you want to know more about Jesus Christ, please feel free to reach out to us:

Made by The Church of God in San Francisco
December 2016 All Rights Reserved

#Testimony #見證 #TheChurchOfGodInSanFrancisco #三藩市神的教會 #TCOGSF