主使我成為一個更好的人 -


       我出生於香港八十年代,是一個熱衷運動的普通孩子。 我所上的小學和中學都不錯,但我一直都不開心,直到1999年夏天相信主耶穌基督。而使我不開心的原因有以下幾個。

       首先,我與家人的關係并不好。我是一個自私的人,即使知道父母工作非常辛苦,媽媽的手總是很乾燥而且有皮膚問題,我還是沒有幫助家務。當我放學回家後,我只會看電視和玩電子遊戲; 有時和朋友打籃球,晚回家也不會通知父母。即使知道大多數情況下是我的錯,我還是會和媽媽吵架。對於我妹妹,我不但拒絕教她做功課,反而取笑她。 我是家裡所有衝突和爭論的始作俑者。

       除了與家人關係不好外,我在香港讀中學時,自尊心很低而且很懶,常常等到最後一刻才肯溫習考試。即使知道Form 5公開考試對我的未來至關重要,我也并不像其他學生一样已在幾個月前開始溫習,而是等到考試之前的幾個禮拜才開始溫習。我還會在某些測驗時作弊,之後就感到內疚。因為我的自尊心低,我不想和別人一起出去玩,所以我沒有很多朋友。

       自從1999年接受基督耶穌,我的生活逐漸變得更好,更快樂。那是我第一次重視福音,因為我想成為一個更好的人。我真的體會到耶穌愛我,所以祂愿意在十字架上為了我捨棄祂的生命,祂那份無條件的愛真的感動了我。 祂所準備的救恩,把我從一生中所有的罪惡中拯救出來。此外,祂的救恩還給了我一張上天堂的寶貴門票。

       神並沒有在一夜之間把我變成一個完美的人,而是用祂不變的愛融化了我的心,祂的愛已在聖經和基督裡的弟兄姐妹的愛中彰顯出來。基督裡的弟兄姐妹幫助我學習,搬家,幫我慶祝生日,選大學課程,等等。祂的愛使我很自然地去愛我的家人,我開始關心家人的需要,並採取行動幫助他們。我媽媽在大學裡做清潔工, 我會幫她丢垃圾、擦黑板、和擦地板。我也叫媽媽把妹妹送到美國讓我照顧她,使她可以有更好的未來。神讓我臉上有了更多的笑容,使我變得更加外向和關心我的朋友,祂的美好真的比我所能描述的更廣泛和深刻。



2016 年 12月 版權所有 All Rights Reserved

#Testimony #見證 #TheChurchOfGodInSanFrancisco #三藩市神的教會 #TCOGSF

The Lord Made Me A Better Person -
Leo Cheung

Hello, I am Leo (Fai), and I would like to share how God abundantly put happiness, peace and love in my life. I pray that you will be willing to accept Christ as your personal savior and just start your abundant life with Him ASAP.

I was born in Hong Kong in the 80’s and was a normal kid who loved many sports. I attended decent primary and secondary schools, but I was not happy at all until I believed in Christ in the summer of 1999. There were a few reasons.

First of all, my relationship with my family was unhappy. I was a selfish person who did not help out on housework even though my parents had worked really hard, and my mum’s hands were always dry and had skin issues. When I went home after school, I just watched TV and played video games. Sometimes, I played basketball with my friends without notifying my parents that I would come home late. I always argued with my mum even though I knew I was wrong in most occasions. In regards to my sister, I refused to help her on homework but made fun of her instead. I was the one who caused all conflicts and argument in the family.

Besides the unhappy relationship with my family, I had very low self-esteem and was lazy when I was in secondary school in Hong Kong. I always waited till the last minutes to study for exams. Even though the Form 5 public exam was important to my future at the moment, I did not study until couple of weeks prior to the exam date instead of  several months ago as most of other students. I also cheated on a few quizzes and felt guilty afterwards. I did not have many friends because of my low self-esteem, so I didn’t want to hang out with others.

My life gradually changed to be better and more joyful since I accepted Christ in 1999. It was the first time that I paid serious attention to gospel because I wanted to be a better person. I really experienced that Jesus loved me so much that He gave up His life for me on the cross. His unconditional love really moved me. Also out of love, He prepared salvation to save me from all sins in my entire life. Moreover, His salvation gave me a precious ticket to heaven.

God did not change me to be a perfect person overnight, but He melted my heart with His unchanging love which exemplified by the Bible and the love of other brothers and sisters in Christ. Brothers and sisters in Christ had helped me study, move to new places, celebrate my birthday, pick classes in colleges, and in many other means. His love really made me to love my family naturally. I started to pay attention to my family’s needs and take actions to help them accordingly. My mum worked in a college as a custodian; I helped her at school by taking out garbage, cleaning the blackboards, and mopping the floor. I also asked my mum to send my sister to the United States, so that I could take care of her, and she could have a brighter future. God had also put more smiles on my face and turned me to be more outgoing and caring about my friends. God’s goodness is really much wider and deeper than I can describe.

I shared all these because of God’s love. He wants more and more people like you to taste His love, peace, hope, joy and all other goodness now and forever. So, what are you waiting for? Please give God a call by reaching out to us and/or the Christians around you. You will be surprised by how God can change your life regardless of who you are. He really wants to give you an abundant life!

If you want to know more about Jesus Christ, please feel free to reach out to us:

Made by The Church of God in San Francisco
December 2016 All Rights Reserved

#Testimony #見證 #TheChurchOfGodInSanFrancisco #三藩市神的教會 #TCOGSF