人生的意義 -

       大家好, 我是關艷儀,我來自中國廣東開平市,在97年的時候和家人一起移民到了美國。我感謝我的高中同學李薇邀請我返教會,介紹我認識福音。在1999年的3月6號,我信主,接受了主耶穌基督成為我個人的救主。感謝主耶穌改變了我的人生。從前我是一個性格孤癖的人,不大喜歡跟人交往,給人的感覺是冷冷的,就算對自己的家人和親戚也不是很熱絡。信主後,寶貴神的愛慢慢地改變了我,使我懂得如何去愛人。以前我會覺得對家人好是一種責任,但是現在我很享受跟家人在一起的日子,覺得對家人好是應該的。「我們愛因為神先愛我們」(約一4:19)。

      另外好感謝主的是,祂將喜樂和盼望賜給我。以前的我不知道應該怎樣喜樂,因為覺得人生沒有什麼意義,每人都會經歷死亡,無論在世時有多大的成就,人死後就什麼都沒有了。感謝神使我明白一個寶貴的真相,就是有一日祂會來提接我到天家,與祂和弟兄姐妹相愛直到永遠。我在世的日子不是在等待死亡,而是在等待主耶穌來接我,在等待的期間同弟兄姐妹一同建造教會 — 一個合神心意的家。


2016 年 12月 版權所有 All Rights Reserved

#Testimony #見證 #TheChurchOfGodInSanFrancisco #三藩市神的教會 #TCOGSF

The Meaning of Life -
Judy Guan

Hello everyone, I am Judy Guan. I came from Kai Ping, Guang Dong, China and immigrated to the United States with my family in 1997. I am grateful for my high school classmate Ivy Li, who invited me to church and introduced the gospel to me. On March 6, 1999, I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior. Thanks the Lord Jesus for changing my life. In the past, I was a loner and didn’t like to socialize with others. People said I was cold. I wasn’t warm to my family and relatives neither. Since I believed in the Lord, the love of God has changed me slowly. Now, I know how to love others, and I also enjoy the times with my family very much. In the past, I thought that treating our families well was a responsibility. However, now, I know we should do that, and I enjoy doing that.  “We love because He first loved us” (I John 4:19).

In addition, I am grateful that the Lord has given me joy and hope. In the past, I didn’t know how to be joyful because I didn’t find any meaning of life. Everyone would experience death; no matter how successful he or she was in his or her life, and there was nothing afterward. Thanks God for making me understand a valuable truth now: one day He will come and bring me to heaven, and then we and brothers and sisters in Christ will love one another through eternity. My life is not waiting for death any more but waiting for the meeting with the Lord Jesus. While we are waiting, brothers, sisters and I are building the church together – the enjoyable home of God.

If you want to know more about Jesus Christ, please feel free to reach out to us:

Made by The Church of God in San Francisco
December 2016 All Rights Reserved

#Testimony #見證 #TheChurchOfGodInSanFrancisco #三藩市神的教會 #TCOGSF