主的帶領 -




      2011年,我在求學的轉折點上求神的指引,因為在我面前出現了一個兩難的選擇 — 究竟是留港升學還是回中國内地繼續學業。香港的高等教育在世界上是公認的,如果為了學業,我理當選留在香港升學;然而基於我的成績與個人能力,家庭經濟條件等各方面個人因素,回中國內地繼續深造相對來說比較容易。在我努力地為自己籌劃未來的時候,我突然想起一節聖經,「不要照我的意思,只要照你的旨意」(馬太福音 26: 39 )。於是,我把這個決定交給神來安排。我徹夜禱告,突然有一把聲音在我耳邊響起,那是多麼的真切,祂說了三次:「你愛我嗎?」記得在約翰福音 21: 15-19 主耶穌也曾三次問彼得「你愛我比這些更深嗎?」「你愛我嗎?」「你愛我嗎?」我當時回應:「主啊,是的,你知道我愛你。」我知道主耶穌就是我的盼望。後來,我欣然踏上回國深造的腳步,因為我相信這就是主要我走的路。

      詩篇 23: 1-2「耶和華是我的牧者,我必不致缺乏。他使我躺臥在青草地上,領我在可安歇的水邊。」這話常在我心裡,因此我再也沒有擔心自己的將來,因爲我知道天父已經爲我安排好一切。




2016 年 11月 版權所有 All Rights Reserved

#Testimony #見證 #TheChurchOfGodInSanFrancisco #三藩市神的教會 #TCOGSF

The Lord’s Guidance -
Eins Zhao

Hello everyone, I am Eins, once a prodigal son, a lost lamb, and now a one among the loving family of God.

I knew God in Hong Kong in 2010 and accepted Jesus Christ in Shanghai in 2011; then I was baptized in California in 2016.

In my entire academic life, I had been to Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Zhuhai, and even traveled to New York and Chicago. Right now I am working in San Francisco. I had worried, concerned, and confused because I didn’t know where I would be and what I would do. After years of wandering, I found hope in God in 2010. One of my university tutors invited me to church activities, and another preacher had bible studied with me. Later on, I actively participated in volunteer service of the church. Understanding more about the Lord’s deeds, I had more confidence on His leading.

In 2011, I asked for God’s guidance at the turning point of my academic life. At that time, I had a dilemma, where I should go to continue my education, Hong Kong or mainland China. The higher education in Hong Kong was recognized in the world. If for educational purpose, I should continue to study in Hong Kong. However, based on my personal achievements and ability, family economic conditions and other aspects of personal factors, going back to mainland China would be a better option. During the dilemma, I suddenly remembered a verse from the bible (Matthew 26:39):  “nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.” Then I decided to follow the guidance of God. I prayed all night, and suddenly I had heard a same voice for three times as the Lord Jesus had asked Peter in John 21: 15-19, “Do you love me?” Then I answered, “Lord, yes, you know that I love you.” I knew my hope was from the Lord Jesus. Then, I gladly went back to study in China because I knew that was the path the Lord wanted me to take.

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters.” (Psalm 23: 1-2) This verse was often in my heart, so I knew that I did not need to worry about my future because the Heavenly Father had already arranged everything for me.

Recently, I successfully completed my graduate degree in New York and found a very promising job in San Francisco.  All my worries are gone now. I know God has really given me the best and makes my life full of hope and joy.

I am grateful that the Lord has found me and brought me to this loving home. I believe that not only my academic life, but my work career will also be filled with the blessing and guidance of the Lord. I would like to spread this love and hope, so that people around me can enjoy this blessing too. Amen!

 If you want to know more about Jesus Christ, please feel free to reach out to us:

Made by The Church of God in San Francisco
November 2016 All Rights Reserved

#Testimony #見證 #TheChurchOfGodInSanFrancisco #三藩市神的教會 #TCOGSF