神的家充滿愛 - 王愛娟


      不知道你記不記得2004年2月份一個早上下了半小時的大雨,當時我們住在 Cayuga,我的屋子被水淹了。積水高到大腿上,我家裡的床褥、電腦、行李箱全部都濕了,連冰箱也被冲倒了,還有泥沙被冲進屋裡,我們看到當時的情況,真是很彷徨。




2016 年 11月 版權所有 All Rights Reserved

#Testimony #見證 #TheChurchOfGodInSanFrancisco #三藩市神的教會 #TCOGSF

The Home of God is Full of Love -
Connie Wong

Hello everyone, I am Connie. My family has immigrated to the United States for 13 years. I remember when we first arrived in the US, we did not know anyone here and had not believed in the Lord Jesus yet. Thanked God my younger sister in Canada (she is a Christian) contacted some brothers and sisters from Sacramento and Vancouver to visit us in San Francisco. I was really happy and touched because they did not know us, but they were willing to come to visit us from afar. Besides that brothers and sisters in San Francisco often contacted us and were willing to help us buy furniture and settle down. So after about half year, I believed in Jesus.

Do you still remember one day morning in February 2004, it had been raining heavily for half an hour? We lived in Cayuga at that time, and my house was flooded. The water level was as high as my thighs. Our mattresses, computers and suitcases were all wet, and even the refrigerator was washed down. There were dirt and sand in the house. We were panicked under these situations.

Thanked God we had a group of brothers and sisters caring us and helping us. Some sisters provided places to store our furniture until our new living place was ready. Later, brothers and sisters helped us settle down again. The sisters were also very kind and invited us to have dinners at their houses because they knew we were busy with moving and had no time to cook. We were touched and grateful with all they had done for us.

Our household is filled with the love of brothers and sisters. I think the church is just like a big family; brothers and sisters love each other and support each other. In these thirteen years, we have moved four times, and every moving is with the help from brothers and sisters. We feel so blessed. Thank you everyone.

If you want to know more about Jesus Christ, please feel free to reach out to us:

Made by The Church of God in San Francisco
November 2016 All Rights Reserved

#Testimony #見證 #TheChurchOfGodInSanFrancisco #三藩市神的教會 #TCOGSF