倚靠神 - 杜嘉敏

以前我很在意別人怎麼看我,為了保持「乖乖女」的形象,當我生氣或者受委屈的時候總會把自己的心聲藏起來,情願忍著,所以我不太懂得如何處理負面情緒。剛剛移民美國讀高中時,很迷失很彷徨,看不見自己的未來,導致情緒憂鬱,厭食。爸爸媽媽很想開解我,但我依然埋藏自己。有位基督徒朋友得知我的情況,想帶我認識主耶穌 — 給人帶來盼望的神。她堅持每天在學校吃午飯前和我一起禱告,把我的心事交託。一個月過去了,不知不覺地我胃口好了,讀書的樂趣也找到了,還繼續義工活動幫助別人。我的生活變得積極開朗的同時,卻忘記了所有的好轉都源於主耶穌聽禱告和幫助:我不再禱告,也沒有看聖經或去教會。  



2016 年 12月 版權所有 All Rights Reserved

#Testimony #見證 #TheChurchOfGodInSanFrancisco #三藩市神的教會 #TCOGSF

To Lean On God - Aimee Du

I used to care about how others would look at me. In order to maintain the reputation of being the girl next door, when I got angry or wronged, I would hide my feelings inside. Eventually that becomes a habit and I had hard time dealing with negative emotions. When I first immigrated to the United States during high school years, I was very lost and anxious. I wasn’t sure how my future holds; then I had emotional distress, and often refused to eat. My parents wanted to comfort me, but I still buried my feelings. When one of my Christian friends learned about my situation, she introduced the Lord Jesus – the God who brings hope – to me. She insisted on praying with me every day before lunch at school, and entrusted my worries to the Lord. A month later, my appetite came back gradually, school was started to get interesting, and I started volunteering in the community to help others. While my life became positive and cheerful, I forgot that all these improvement came from the Lord Jesus who listened to prayer and had helped me. I even turned away from prayers, the Bible and church…

In the third year of college, my dad, whom I loved dearly, passed away due to illness. Sadness, remorse, anger, and a large number of negative emotions blew me away. But I needed to stay strong and support my mom. Without knowing how to cope with grief and loss, I pretended everything is fine and continue to bury myself in work and school. Only my tears would come down every night subconsciously. Yet, God did not forget about me and once again saved me from deep sorrows. He brought Christians around me to pray for me, to share the Bible, to sing hymns, and to make me feel God’s love and tenderness. The following scripture touched me greatly: “The Lord is my strength and my shield; My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped” (Psalm 28:7). Through the words of the Bible, my heart was healed, and I came out of depression. Since then, I have decided to trust in the Lord Jesus. He gives me faith and hope, and walks with me every day. He is my help at all time, whatever it may be. I hope you will get to know the Lord Jesus, and may the Lord bless you!

If you want to know more about Jesus Christ, please feel free to reach out to us:

Made by The Church of God in San Francisco
December 2016 All Rights Reserved

#Testimony #見證 #TheChurchOfGodInSanFrancisco #三藩市神的教會 #TCOGSF